Today's Wallpaper : Cabarete, Dominican Republic

 I've been looking for new desktop backgrounds to keep things interesting at work, and my dear sweetheart (who is unfortunately a giant Microsoft fan) immediately downloaded Bing Desktop for me.  Don't download this, it's an extremely annoying little box that pops up and probably logs every keystroke you type - but, and this is how they reel people in - it automatically changes your desktop to a selected new photo everyday, and usually they are quite nice.

Of course all the backgrounds have been uploaded around the internet so that you can browse through them, select your favorite, and set it yourself without nasty Bing paraphernalia littering your disk space.  Computers are like houses, clutter is the enemy - A clean computer is a happy computer. 

 I did leave it on at work though, and of course since I've been in a tropical destination mood, this background just happened to pop up today:

They also have the prettiest animated version of this at this archive for the Daily Desktop Background or you can scroll through the calendar and see all the past ones by date and pick out one you personally like - just right click on the full size picture to set as desktop background.


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